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Top 10 Muslim Inventions

Top 10 Muslim Inventions As Salaam Alaikum Halal travellers, Islamic scholars have made significant and lasting contributions to various fields of knowledge, such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, philosophy, and art. They preserved and transmitted the classical heritage of ancient civilizations and enriched it with their original insights and discoveries. They also fostered a culture of…

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Top 10 Muslim Role Models in Sport

Top 10 Muslim Role Models in Sport In the western world, the preconception of Muslims is primarily driven by the mainstream media, which is unfortunately overwhelmingly negative. In countries such as England, research has indicated that a third of the population believes that Islam threatens their way of life.  Beliefs like these are heavily due…

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blue wooden house on green grass field

Top 5 Books to Read on a Halal Travel

Top 5 Books to Read on a Halal Travel A successful journey can be measured in many ways but above all, it should expand your world that little bit more. Travel provides many opportunities to expand your world in some obvious but also in not so obvious ways. One of those not so obvious ways…

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brown and beige concrete building

Top 10 Mosques In Europe

Top 10 Mosques in Europe Thinking about mosques, our collective perceptions takes us to the historic and beautiful mosques located in the Middle East. With a more secular social fabric of Europe, logic dictates that religious architecture should not blend into the environment. However, this is far from the truth; Europe has several beautiful mosques,…

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Top 12 Islamic Landmarks In Europe

Top 12 Islamic Landmarks In Europe A Guide for Muslims While Islam has a relatively recent history in Western Europe, it has a long history in the Balkan region of the continent. Islam first arrived in southern Europe in the 8th to 10th centuries via invasion from North Africa. However, Christian conquest of the area…

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