
Top 10 Muslim Inventions

Top 10 Muslim Inventions As Salaam Alaikum Halal travellers, Islamic scholars have made significant and lasting contributions to various fields of knowledge, such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, philosophy, and art. They preserved and transmitted the classical heritage of ancient civilizations and enriched it with their original insights and discoveries. They…

grey concrete cathedral

Halal Nomad in Iceland

Iceland A Symphony of Elements As-Salaam Alaikum Halal travellers, floating alone far in the north where the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans meet, Iceland, a country literally in the making, offers stunning natural wonders unlike anything in the rest of the world. It’s a vast volcanic laboratory where mighty forces…

Top 10 Muslim Role Models in Sport

Top 10 Muslim Role Models in Sport In the western world, the preconception of Muslims is primarily driven by the mainstream media, which is unfortunately overwhelmingly negative. In countries such as England, research has indicated that a third of the population believes that Islam threatens their way of life.  Beliefs…

Halal Nomad in Lake Como

Lake Como As-Salaam Aleikum Halal travellers, located in the Northern lakes district of Italy it is considered the crowning jewel of the region: Lago di Como (Italian) or simply, Lake Como. For centuries the lake has attracted wealthy and powerful individuals, from famous celebrities to successful businessmen and women from around the globe. However,…